The Fruit of the Spirit is Patience

The Fruit of the Spirit is…Patience.

After writing on kindness, I thought that I already wrote on patience because I did finish read the chapter on patience however I did not write a post about it. For that, I humbly apologise and will now write on patience. As I said in my previous post, I am currently reading a book by Elizabeth George entitled A Woman’s Walk with God (Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit). As I read each chapter, I will share what she wrote, what I have learned and how I review my life during each Fruit of the Spirit.

God calls us to be patient, towards the people in our lives (believers and non-believers alike). This helps us be united and stand together in peace. Patience is not easily attained as it is easy to be impatient with the people around us. Elizabeth describes four key ingredients for attaining patience; endurance, patience when injured, mercy and contains no anger or vengeance. Endurance is basically having tolerance and being slow to anger and wrath when people treat you bad or wrong. We are to endure with people in our lives. Patience when injured means to endure injuries inflicted by others around us. Sometimes people may hurt our feelings and we want to react in anger towards them. It shows when pain is inflicted on us. Mercy, which bears with others for their good. It wants the best for the people around us even if they rubbed us the wrong way. Elizabeth uses a quote from William Barclay; “If God had been a man, He would have wiped out this world long ago, but He has that patience which bears with all of our sinning and will not cast us off. Therefore, in our dealings with fellow men we must reproduce this loving, forbearing, forgiving, patient attitude of God.” Containing no anger or vengeance means to not do anything, not to take revenge or retaliate against the wrong-doings done against you. Patience can be seen as doing nothing. However, within this time, it helps us carefully think about something; to pray, to reflect and respond in a righteous manner.

We all struggle with patience, I even do on a daily basis with dealing with my family members and with my significant other in our relationship. I can be impatient sometimes, and I hope that God helps me be less impatient because it makes me do the wrong thing or react the wrong way without fully understanding a situation. Elizabeth gives examples of patience with people found in the bible like God, who is continuously patient with us. God waited patiently until Noah finished the ark so that people would be saved (120 years), however only eight people were saved. Jesus was patient (and still is). Jesus encourages us to love our enemies and do good to them and pray for them. Paul was patient when he addressed those who were not Christians so that we can hope in their salvation. Hannah was patient while she endured persecution and was taunted by Peninnah because she couldn’t conceive. She prayed to God and He gave her a child, Samuel. Sarah wasn’t patient. God promised Sarah a child, however Sarah couldn’t wait and she sent her husband Abraham to conceive a child with Hagar, which caused problems in the long run. However, God still gave her Isaac.

Patience is one of the most difficult things to practice and it involves doing nothing. However, we have Jesus’ example of His patience and mercy towards us; He gave us the free gift of salvation and through this gift we can extend that to the people around us. Patience is also waiting for someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus, receive His salvation and continuously praying on their behalf. Patience is also not being reactive to what people may do against you or just simply understanding before you have a reaction. I pray that the Holy Spirit helps us be more patient in our daily lives for the sake of unity, love and peace. And for the furtherance of the Gospel.


Next up…Goodness!

Grace & Peace.